SF Musings, Research, and Assorted Criticism
Jerome Winter is a full-time lecturer at University of California, Riverside. His book, Science Fiction, New Space Opera, and Neoliberal Globalism (2016), was published by the University of Wales Press as part of their New Dimensions in Science Fiction series. His latest book about citizenship rhetoric and teaching science fiction is Citizen Science Fiction (2021).
Ph.D. University of California, Riverside, Department of English, June 2015
M.A. University of Virginia, Department of English, May 2006
B.A. Claremont McKenna College, Department of English with Honors, May 2004
BioWare’s Mass Effect (Springer, 2022)
Citizen Science Fiction (Rowman and Littlefield, 2021)
Science Fiction, New Space Opera, and Neoliberal Globalism: Nostalgia for Infinity (University of Wales Press, 2016)
Edited Collection
Los Angeles Review of Books, SF Page Greatest Hits 2012
Articles, Book Chapters, and Review Essays
“Afrofuturist Ecologies.” Literary Afrofuturism. Edited by Isiah Lavender and Lisa Yaszek. (Ohio University Press, 2020).
“‘Moments in the Fall’: Neoliberal Globalism and Utopian Anarcho-Socialist Desire in Ken MacLeod’s Fall Revolution Quartet and Iain M. Banks’s Culture Series.” Extrapolation. 55.3 (December 2014)
“SF Art and Illustration.” Oxford Handbook of Science Fiction. Oxford University Press: 2014:196-216
“All Hail the Slide Rule? A Review of Thomas Clareson and Joe Sanders’s The Heritage of Heinlein, George Slusser’s Gregory Benford, and Sarah Herbe’s Characters in New Hard Science Fiction.” Science Fiction Studies. 41.2 (July 2014): 436-442
“The Michelist Revolution: Technocracy, the Cultural Front, and the Futurian Movement.” Eaton Journal of Archival Research. 1.2 (November 2013): 78-95
“Epistemic Polyverses and the Subaltern: The Postcolonial World-System in Ian McDonald’s Evolution’s Shore and River of Gods.” Science Fiction Studies. 39.3 (November 2012): 459-477
“Lab Coats, not Straightjackets: A Review of Glen Scott Allen’s Master Mechanics and Wicked Wizards and David Kirby’s Lab Coats in Hollywood.” Science Fiction Studies. 38.3 (November 2011): 519-524
Reviews, Interviews, and Short Articles
Review of Weird Western: Race, Gender, and Genre edited by Kerry Fine, Michael Johnson, Rebecca Lush, and Sara Spurgeon. Science Fiction Television and Film (Forthcoming 2021)
Review of Caitlín R. Kiernan: A Critical Study of Her Dark Fiction by James Goho. Dead Reckonings (2021).
Review of The Pleasant Profession of Robert Heinlein by Farah Mendlesohn (Winter 2020)
“Iain M. Banks Revisited.” Review of Iain M. Banks by Paul Kincaid. Science Fiction Studies (2018).
Review of Alfred Bester by Jad Smith. SFRA (2017).
Review of Monsters in the Machine: Science Fiction Film and the Militarization of America after World War II by Steffen Hantke. Science Fiction Television and Film (2017)
Review of Greg Egan by Karen Burnham. Extrapolation (2017)
Review of Speculative Blackness: The Future of Race in Science Fiction by André Carrington. SFRA (December 2016).
“Surreal, Baroque, and Implausible: A Review of The Culture Series of Iain M. Banks by Simone Caroti” Science Fiction Studies (July 2016)
Interview with Ian McDonald. Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts (January 2016).
“Apocalypse Never: A Review of Paradoxa, 26 “Sf Now” edited by Mark Bould and Rhys Williams.” Los Angeles Review of Books (April 25, 2015)
Review of Susan M. Bernardo’s Environments in Science Fiction: Essays on Alternative Spaces. SFRA. (January 2015)
“Peter Straub,” “Joe Hill,” and “Necromancy.” Encyclopedia of Ghosts in Popular Culture (ABC-Clio: Santa Barbara, 2015)
Review of Eric Smith’s Globalization, Utopia, and Postcolonial Science Fiction. Science Fiction Studies 42.3 (Forthcoming November 2014)
“Grammar Gets Real.” Write It: Review, 4th Edition by Kathleen Moore and Linda Strahan (Forthcoming November 2014)
Write It: Instructor’s Manual, 4th Edition by Kathleen Moore and Linda Strahan. With Benedict Anderson. November 2014.
Review of Africa SF. Edited by Mark Bould. Extrapolation (January 2015)
Review of Peter Szendy’s Kant in the Land of Extraterrestials. Journal of Fantastic in the Arts (November 2014)
“Clive Barker.” Encyclopedia of the Zombie: The Walking Dead in Popular Culture and Myth (ABC-Clio: Santa Barbara, 2014)
“Turbulent Years Ahead: An Interview with Ken MacLeod.” Los Angeles Review of Books (March 2014) [http://lareviewofbooks.org/interview/turbulent-years-ahead-interview-ken-macleod]
Review of Gary Westfahl’s William Gibson. SFRA Review (April 2014): 28-29
“Fascinated Neutrality: An Interview with Alastair Reynolds.” Los Angeles Review of Books (March 2013) [http://lareviewofbooks.org/interview/fascinated-neutrality-an-interview-with-alastair-reynolds]
“No Political Naif: An Interview with Norman Spinrad.” Los Angeles Review of Books (August 2013) [http://lareviewofbooks.org/interview/no-political-naif-an-interview-with-norman-spinrad]
Review of Strange Divisions and Alien Territories. Edited by Keith Brooke. Science Fiction Studies 40.1 (March 2013): 378-379
“Radiant Time: An Interview with Michael Moorcock.” Los Angeles Review of Books (January 2013) [http://lareviewofbooks.org/interview/radiant-time-an-interview-with-michael-moorcock]
“Get Stuffed: Consumer Revenge and Remediation in Harlan Ellison’s Fiction” eI #54 edited by Earl Kemp (December 2011) [http://efanzines.com/EK/eI54/eI54.pdf]
“2011 Eaton Conference on Global Science Fiction” eI #55 edited by Earl Kemp (May 2012) [http://efanzines.com/EK/eI55/index.htm]
International Conference of the Fantastic in the Arts, March 2021, “An Acceptance Beyond Denial: Post-Normal Ecological Science in The Southern Reach Trilogy.” Panel Speaker.
Science Fiction Research Association, June 2017, Panel Speaker. “Futures Not So Dark and Uncertain: Cixin Liu’s Hard Space Operas.”
Pacific and Ancient Modern Language Association, October 2016. Moderator and Panel Speaker. “Afrofuturist Ecologies.”
U.C. Council of Writing Programs Annual Conference. 16 October 2015. “Retrieval-Learning Practice in College Composition Courses.”
Pacific and Ancient Modern Language Association, October 2014, “Emotional Barbecue: Narrations of Outrage and Despair in Faulkner’s Light in August.”
International Conference of the Fantastic in the Arts, March 2014 The Fantastic Past and Future (Moderator) “Istanbul, not Constantinople: Ian McDonald’s Dervish House Builds a Future You May Want to Live In”
UCR Disjunctions: Encounters, April 2013, “Neoliberal Globalism in Ken MacLeod and Iain M. Banks”
Eaton Conference, March 11-14, 2013, “The Aesthetics of the Insurgent Social Machine: From Technocratic Pulp Art to Cyberpunk Techno-Surrealism in the SF Art of Frank Paul, Ed Emswhiller, Richard Powers, and Chris Foss”
UCR Disjunctions: Narratives Mediated, April 2012, “The Weimar Left, German Film, and Global Politics in Thomas Pynchon’s Gravity’s Rainbow”
Eaton Conference, February 11-13, 2011: “Humans Cheaper than Robots’: Ian McDonald’s River of Gods and the Subaltern” (Presenter) “Orientalism in SF and the Pulps”
(Moderator) Neocolonialism, Global Capitalism, and the Monstrous Subaltern Panel, International Conference on Fantastic in the Arts, March 2011
SF Postmodernism and the New Wave, “The Soft Sciences — Isn’t That a Delightful Name? – Had Run Amok”: The Breakdown of the Social Machine in Samuel R. Delany’s Nova what year is this?
Pacific and Ancient Modern Language Association, November 2011, “Neuromancer Reprogrammed: Abject Cyborgs, Redundant Robots, and the Paraliterary in Kathy Acker’s Empire of the Senseless”
Assistant Director for Entry-Level Writing, 2013-2014 at University of California, Riverside
Editor for Speculative Fiction at the Los Angeles Review of Books, 2012-2015
Production Editor of Academic Journals for Sage Publications, 2007-2009
California Teachers Association
Modern Language Association
Pacific and Ancient Modern Language Association
Science Fiction Research Association
International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts